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10 ways to help you get a quality night's sleep


10 ways to help you get a quality night's sleep


The only way your body and mind can repair themselves and your identity are while you sleep, but it's very important to note that sleeping here is a good night's sleep that's key. 

Last night I had a good night's sleep, then I woke up, I thought it was bigger than a good night's sleep for your body, and I'm going to share with you ideas on how to get a better or quality night's sleep.

Now my idea of ​​a good night's sleep is one where we sleep well and wake up refreshed and full of energy. During a good night's sleep, you will rarely think about your problems, think about your news and tasks, and you usually wake up within 10 minutes of hitting your head on the pillow (with thoughts in your head).

In addition, an important factor in determining whether you have a good night's sleep is that you dream of positive or pleasant things. Because if your sleep is full of nightmares or stress, you will be restless, rolling around all night and not getting a good night's sleep.

Why is it so important to get quality sleep every night? Because your body and mind are tired and tired and also stressed from facing a hectic day's activities

The only way your body and mind can repair or find yourself and rejuvenate is while you sleep. But it's important to note here that a good night's sleep is key. Restlessness, waking, and staying awake all night or several hours are not considered deep sleep.

People tell me they don't get enough sleep during the week - but they continue to sleep on the weekends, letting me activate that myth now. It won't work, and your mind needs regular sleep patterns to repair and rejuvenate - without conditioning yourself instead of energizing yourself.

So how is it considered getting enough sleep? 

In general, everyone should try to get a good 8 hours of sleep. If you eat a healthy diet and exercise properly, and give you rest during the day, and if you sleep well and wake up refreshed every day, then your body will be very healthy, your mind will recover from the hectic and exhausting routine of every day.
On the other hand, if you experience tremendous stress every day (mental or physical), then you will need to rest or sleep more than 8 hours. A marathon runner, for example, tends to put his body under a lot of stress every day - that person needs more than just 8 hours of sleep because his body needs more repair time than usual. The same is true for people who are under great mental stress as well.
So what can be done to help facilitate a better night's sleep for yourself and those around you?

10 Steps To Help You Get A Great Night's Sleep:

  1. before going to bed, make a list of what you need to do the next day, write everything down and then keep the paper and pen in your bed, try to write your activities well, so that when you sleep, you no longer think about it, but focus on sleep soundly.
  2. Don't watch television or listen to the radio (especially the news) before going to bed at night - and of course don't turn on the TV or radio, as you'll be distracted by the loud sound coming from your TV or radio.
  3. Read some inspirational or self-improvement stories for at least 30 minutes before going to bed. The goal is to fill your mind with inspirational, positive thoughts before the last thoughts you have before are uplifting thoughts that most people think of before.
  4. Make sure your bedroom is dark - the body is made to sleep in the dark more successfully - the darker the room the more potential for deep sleep.
  5. Make the room as quiet as possible - turn off all electrical devices and ask other people in the house to be as quiet as possible, everyone should rest.
  6. Do not eat at least 3 hours before bedtime. When there is undigested food in the stomach, the body is forced to focus on digesting that food instead of focusing on improving your body and mind, the body is designed to digest food best while moving - not while lying down or while sleeping.
  7. Try to sleep around 22.00 and wake up around 06.00 in the morning. Going to bed at 10:00 p.m. and getting up at 6:00 a.m. seems to allow the body to get the most and best rest, recover the most, and give the person the most energy throughout the day.
  8. Avoid taking medicines or vitamins/herbs that are supposed to help you sleep (unless advised by your doctor). Most artificial sleep aids do nothing more than numb your senses - the purpose of sleep is to give your body the time and means to repair itself and prepare for tomorrow. When you put yourself to sleep, every system in your body rests in a sense of recovery, including all the systems responsible for repairing you.
  9. Make sure there is good air circulation in the room. The air in the room is said to be the dirtiest air around. When you sleep, you can only breathe the air that surrounds you in a closed bedroom. Try opening the window a little, so there is air circulation. The fresh air that comes in while you sleep will help your body repair itself because you will have access to cleaner, oxygenated air.
  10. During the day, try mild exercise for 60 minutes. If you do not have time to do 60 minutes, then divide it into 2 times, the goal is to make your body fit and fresh. Before going to bed, try to relax and read some light and relaxing reading at night.

Hopefully, you can rest and sleep soundly and quality

1 comment for "10 ways to help you get a quality night's sleep"

Subrotojournal 22 March 2022 at 22:55 Delete Comment
sleep soundly, so you can get back fit with your various activities