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The 7 most common types of venereal disease

The 7 most common types of venereal disease

STDs are also called STIs. There are several well-known types of STDs.
STDs are diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites that are generally transmitted through the vagina, rectum, and mouth. Some STDs can be cured. However, some can cause serious complications.

According to Healthline, there are seven types of STDs:

1. Chlamydia

The disease affects both men and women. In men, chlamydia can affect the urinary tract. (Urethritis) while women Chlamydia can occur in the pelvic organs. 

In addition to the genitals, chlamydia can also affect the anus, throat, and eyes. Transmission occurs when parts come into contact with fluid produced by the reproductive organs.

Many people are unaware that they are infected with chlamydia because the disease is often asymptomatic. 

Symptoms of Chlamydia
Chlamydia is usually asymptomatic, but people with Chlamydia can still pass it on to others if they have symptoms. These symptoms usually appear one to three weeks after infection.
due to different infected organs Symptoms of chlamydia in men and women are also different.


The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that is transmitted through skin contact or sexual intercourse. There are different types of viruses. Some are more dangerous than others.

The most common symptom of HPV are genital, mouth, or throat warts. Some HPV types cause oral cancer. cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, genital cancer and rectal cancer

3. Syphilis

Syphilis, or the lion king, is a sexually transmitted disease (STI) caused by a bacterium called Treponema pallidum, according to a report on the Kyodo site compiled from data collected from hospitals in Japan up to early December last year became. The total number of syphilis cases reached 4,259, including the increase in the number of pregnant women to the fetus.

In addition to transmission from pregnant women to their babies. This STD is often transmitted through unprotected sex. including oral and anal sex Syphilis cannot be spread through bathrooms, doorknobs, swimming pools, hot tubs, bathtubs, or shared clothing. or eating utensils Many people with syphilis are unaware of the disease and unknowingly transmit the disease to their sexual partners. 

Syphilis can cause arthritis, brain damage, and even blindness. Therefore, it is very important to be aware of the three stages of syphilis.

4. HIV

HIV that is not treated promptly can develop into a serious condition known as AIDS. AIDS represents the final stage of HIV infection. At this stage, the body's ability to fight the infection is completely lost.

Transmission of HIV occurs through contact with a patient's bodily fluids such as blood, semen, vaginal fluids. Rectal fluids and breast milk Please note that HIV is not transmitted through air, water, sweat, tears, saliva, mosquito bites or physical contact.

HIV is a lifelong disease. in other words, the HI virus stays in the patient's body for life. Although there is no cure for HIV but there are drugs that can slow the progression of the disease and increase a patient's life expectancy.

Most people have mild cold symptoms 2-6 weeks after HIV infection. The flu can be accompanied by other symptoms. And it may take a week or two after the flu gets better. Other symptoms may not be apparent for many years. Although the HI virus continues to damage the patient's immune system. Until HIV develops into advanced AIDS.

In most cases people find themselves infected with HIV after visiting a doctor due to a serious illness caused by a weakened immune system. Serious diseases include chronic diarrhea, pneumonia or toxoplasmosis of the brain.

HIV is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV as the name suggests. If left untreated HIV can worsen and progress to AIDS.

Transmission of HIV can occur through vaginal or anal sex, the use of needles, and blood transfusions. Although difficult to find, HIV can be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.

5. Gonorrhea

It is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the United States - more than 1.5 new cases are diagnosed each year.

despite spreading But many people do not know that they have gonorrhea. Because many people, especially women, do not experience any symptoms. related to infection Although males tend to have more noticeable symptoms. But they tend not to seek early care. This is enough to prevent transmission to other sex partners when symptoms are present, often with secretions from the penis or vagina. and pain with urination or sex

Untreated gonorrhea complications can range from infertility to organ inflammation. Therefore, keeping up to date with STI screening is extremely important.

6. Herpes

Herpes simplex is short for herpes simplex virus (HSV). The most common symptom of herpes is blisters around it. Genital or mouth lesions will harden and usually heal on their own within a few weeks.

7. Public lice

Pubic lice usually live in the pubic hair. These fleas feed on human blood to survive. The presence of pubic lice can cause local itching. Pubic lice can be eliminated with medication.

Some STDs can be prevented by practicing safe sex and not changing sexual partners.

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